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South Carolina Inmate Search

South Carolina inmate records are official documents that contain information on individuals sentenced to and currently incarcerated in South Carolina holding facilities. The data provided on a South Carolina inmate record generally include:

  • The inmate’s full name
  • A booking photograph
  • The details of the offense the inmate was arrested for or convicted of
  • The inmate’s bio-data, such as the date of birth, gender, and race
  • The date the inmate was incarcerated
  • The prospective release date
  • The location of the inmate
  • Bond/bail conditions, where applicable

Under South Carolina’s Freedom of Information Act. inmate records are generally considered public. As such, members of the general public may access South Carolina inmate records upon request. The South Carolina Department of Corrections serves as the central repository for such records.

How To Find An Inmate In South Carolina?

The South Carolina Department of Corrections (SCDC) provides online access to information on inmates incarcerated in the state through its incarcerated inmate search portal. The database provides booking photographs and public details on the inmates currently incarcerated under the SCDC as of midnight the day before.

However, it does not give information on offenders who have been discharged from the SCDC, or who are on probation, parole, or any other community supervision. The online database also does not provide details of individuals sentenced to county detention facilities. In addition, information on juvenile offenders and SDCC fugitives are not available.

To find an inmate on the incarcerated inmate search portal, provide the inmate’s State Identification (SID) or SCDC number in the appropriate section. If the SID and SCDC number are unknown, enter the inmate’s last name. The SCDC search engine also provides a phonetic search option. The phonetic search returns results on all inmates that sound similar to the name entered. If the “Phonetic Match” option is left blank, the system gives results only on inmates with the letters of the name entered.

After entering the necessary details and clicking on submit, a list of inmates that match the provided information typically appears at the base of the page. Inquirers may click on the row that has the inmate in question to view additional data on the inmate. The result of the search is then presented as a PDF file in a new browser window. Typically, the information on the inmate provided in the report includes:

  • A mugshot and the date the photograph was taken
  • Physical Description including sex, race, height, weight, age, complexion, hair, and eye color
  • Details of the offense(s)
  • Projected release date
  • Projected parole eligibility date
  • Date and location of admission
  • Earned work and education credits

Interested persons may also find information on inmates in custody at a South Carolina county or city jail, on the websites of the relevant county’s sheriff’s office. For instance, Greenville County provides an online inmate search platform that interested persons may use to search for incarcerated offenders. Horry County also disseminates daily bookings and releases as well as an online inmate locator.

How To Find A Federal Inmate In South Carolina?

Persons interested in locating inmates who have been imprisoned in any federal facility in Idaho may do so using the Federal Bureau of Prisons inmate locator. Interested persons may do so using the federal inmate’s name or number.

Searching by name requires the inmate’s first and last name. Users may also provide other information such as the inmate’s gender, age, or even race, as this may help filter through and narrow down the search results.

When searching for a federal inmate using the inmate’s number, presenting one of the following numbers is required:

  • The inmate’s Bureau of Prisons register number
  • The Federal Bureau of Investigation number,
  • D.C. Department of Corrections number, or
  • The Immigration and Naturalization Services number

The Bureau of Prisons database largely contains records of individuals confined to a federal prison in or after 1982. The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), on the other hand, serves as the repository for records dating any time before 1982. To obtain records on federal inmates who were incarcerated between 1870 and 1981, interested persons may need to visit the NARA’s database.

How Do I Find Inmate Records In South Carolina?

The incarcerated inmate search portal on the South Carolina Department of Corrections website provides detailed information on inmates in South Carolina. The portal gives users an inmate search detail report in PDF format. Interested persons may download or print this report as a copy of the inmate’s record. This copy may, however, be unacceptable in court or for other legal uses. Therefore, interested persons may wish to obtain certified copies of a South Carolina inmate record.

To get a South Carolina inmate record, submit a written request to SCDC’s Freedom Of Information Act Coordinator. Submitted requests should generally include a detailed description of the sought inmate record, including the name, address, and phone number of the person making the request. The SCDC accepts requests sent by email to or by mail to:

FOIA Coordinator
Office of General Counsel
South Carolina Department of Corrections
Post Office Box 21787
Columbia, SC 29221–1787

To get copies of South Carolina inmate records for persons incarcerated in county and city jails, contact the Sheriff’s Office of the specific county or the administrative staff of the holding facility.

Records that are considered public may be accessible from some third-party websites. Operating independently of any federal, state or local agency, such websites may simplify the search process as they are not limited by geographic location. In addition, third-party sites typically have search engines that can be used for filtering specific or multiple record(s). To use third-party or government websites, interested parties may need to provide:

  • The name of the person involved in the record, unless said person is a juvenile
  • The location or assumed location of the record or person involved. This includes information such as the city, county, or state that the person resides in or was accused in

However, third-party sites are independent of government sources and are not sponsored by these government agencies. Because of this, record availability cannot be guaranteed.

How To Put Money On Jail Inmates Book In South Carolina?

The South Carolina Department of Corrections administers a cashless policy for inmates. This means that inmates are not allowed to hold cash, and any inmate who violates this policy risks disciplinary action. However, every incarcerated person in the Department of Corrections has a Cooper Trust Fund Account. Friends and family may send money to an inmate’s account online, in person, by phone, by mail, or by mobile app.

To send money to an inmate online, visit the ConnectNetwork website, and create an account. Select the South Carolina Department of Corrections as the facility. Interested persons may also download the mobile app for Android or for Apple devices to make transactions. Call (888) 988–4768 to deposit money to an inmate’s account by phone using a credit or debit card. The site number for trust (canteen) deposits is 121.

To make a walk-in deposit, visit any ConnectNetwork retail location to pay using a debit or credit card. If paying with cash, begin online at the website and set up cash payment by choosing “Walk-In Retail (Pay in Cash)”. After doing that, take the cash and the payslip to a local store. If sending the money by mail, send a money order with a legible deposit slip to:

GTL Financial Services
10005 Technology Blvd West
Suite 130
Dallas TX 75220

Note, the SCDC and other individual facilities do not accept deposits for inmates. Any money sent to these agencies is returned to the sender. The same goes for deposit slips that are not legible or are incomplete. Sending money by mail to inmates in South Carolina has no extra cost, while other transactions attract a fee based on the amount sent. Walk-in deposits cost $4.95, whatever the deposit amount. Online charges are as follows:

  • $4 for deposits of $0.01 to $50.00
  • $6 for deposits of $50.01 to $100.00
  • $8 for deposits of $100.01 to $200.00
  • $10 for deposits of $200.01 to $300.00

Sending money by phone attracts the following fees:

  • $5 for deposits of $0.01 to $50.00
  • $7 for deposits of $50.01 to $100.00
  • $9 for deposits of $100.01 to $200.00
  • $11 for deposits of $200.01 to $300.00
  • Criminal Records
  • Arrests Records
  • Warrants
  • Driving Violations
  • Inmate Records
  • Felonies
  • Misdemeanors
  • Bankruptcies
  • Tax & Property Liens
  • Civil Judgements
  • Federal Dockets
  • Probate Records
  • Marriage Records
  • Divorce Records
  • Death Records
  • Property Records
  • Asset Records
  • Business Ownership
  • Professional Licenses
  • And More!