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Greenwood County Arrest Records

Arrests become necessary under various circumstances in Greenwood County, such as when there is evidence of a serious offense, the risk of a suspect fleeing, or when an individual threatens public safety. Arrests can also occur during investigations if there is sufficient evidence to charge a suspect.

Once arrested in Greenwood County, individuals are detained at the Greenwood County Detention Center. This facility holds inmates awaiting trial or serving short sentences, ensuring they are securely held until their court appearance or release.

When individuals are arrested in Greenwood, their personal information is documented and maintained by the Greenwood Sheriff's Office and other local law enforcement agencies. Important details about the arrest, such as the arrest date and nature of the charges, are also recorded. These records, called arrest records, are an essential part of the broader Greenwood County court records, which detail the succeeding legal events post-arrest, including the court's final disposition.

Are Arrest Records Public in Greenwood County?

Yes. Arrest records are generally accessible to the public in Greenwood County per the South Carolina Freedom of Information Act. This means that residents can request these records from local law enforcement agencies. However, certain categories of information or records may be exempt from public disclosure.

For instance, arrest records involving minors are typically not made public. Additionally, details that could compromise an ongoing investigation or reveal a victim's identity are often kept confidential.

What Do Public Arrest Records Contain?

Public arrest records in Greenwood County provide an overview of an individual's arrest. These records contain personal information such as the arrested person's full name, known aliases, date of birth, gender, race, and physical description, including their height, weight, eye color, hair color, and any distinguishing marks or tattoos.

Public arrest records also feature details of the arrest itself. These include the arrest date and time, the location where the arrest occurred, and the arresting law enforcement agency. The charges filed against the individual will also be listed, with a description of each criminal offense, the relevant statute/code, and the offense classification (misdemeanor or felony).

Booking information is another crucial part of a public arrest record, which includes the booking date and time, assigned booking number, and the offender's mugshot taken during the booking process.

One can also find information about an arrestee's bail or bond, such as the amount set for release, the type of bond required (such as cash bond, surety bond, or personal recognizance), and any conditions attached to the bond agreement.

Finally, court-related information will also be present, such as the scheduled court date, the unique number assigned to the legal case, and the specific court where the proceedings will be held. Once the court process is underway or completed, the disposition of the charges (acquitted, dismissed, convicted, etc.) and other case information will be recorded in the court files.

Greenwood County Crime Rate

According to the 2022 Crime in South Carolina Annual Report, Greenwood County experienced a range of criminal activities, with notable differences in the number of incidents and their clearance rates. Violent crimes recorded in the county that year included eight murders, all of which were resolved, resulting in a 100% clearance rate. However, other violent crimes had less successful resolution rates. There were 51 instances of sexual battery, with a clearance rate of 39%. Robbery was reported 27 times, with 44% being cleared, while aggravated assault numbered 245, with a 47% clearance rate.

Property crimes were more prevalent in Greenwood County in 2022, showing significantly higher offense figures but generally lower clearance rates than violent crimes. There were 352 cases of breaking and entering, yet only 16% were cleared. Motor vehicle thefts were reported 64 times, with a clearance rate of 34%. Larceny, the most common property crime, had 1,480 incidents but a 20% clearance rate. Arson cases were the least frequently reported among property crimes, with 10 incidents and a 10% clearance rate.

Greenwood County Arrest Statistics

According to the 2022 Crime in South Carolina Annual Report, Greenwood County (population: 69,267) saw a 20.5% overall decline in arrests from 2021 to 2022.

Significant decreases occurred in offense categories such as aggravated assault (-53.2%), drug law violations (-33.1%), and disorderly conduct (-39.3%), while categories like counterfeiting/forgery (120%), gambling offenses (100%), and statutory rape (100%) saw notable increases.

In 2022, drug law violations caused the most arrests (835) in Greenwood County, followed by driving under the influence (265 arrests) and larceny-theft offenses (250 arrests).

Find Greenwood County Arrest Records

To find arrest records in Greenwood County, individuals usually need to have specific details about the arrest, such as the name of the person arrested and the date of the arrest. Requests can be made to the Greenwood County Sheriff's Office (if responsible for an arrest) at 528 Edgefield Street, Greenwood, SC 29646,or the relevant local law enforcement agency. The Sheriff's Office can also be contacted at (864) 942-8600 for records.

Individuals can also use the Sheriff's Detention Center Inmate Search tool to look up arrest information of persons in custody at the Greenwood Detention Center.

Individuals looking up persons arrested in Greenwood County but remanded to state or federal custody have the following options:

  • The South Carolina Department of Corrections (SCDC), which manages state prisons, offers an online inmate search feature. This tool allows visitors to search for inmates by name or SCDC ID number. Results mainly include the current incarceration status, location, and conviction details of state inmates.
  • The Federal Bureau of Prisons' website features an inmate locator tool for locating federal inmate information. This tool enables users to search for federal inmates nationwide by name or BOP register number. Results include information about an inmate's current location and custody status.

Free Arrest Record Search in Greenwood County

Individuals seeking free resources to research Greenwood County arrest records have local avenues and third-party options.

County avenues include contacting the Greenwood County Sheriff's Office or local police departments in person or via phone. These agencies can provide access to arrest records and may provide public counters for searches. Additionally, the Greenwood County Detention Center's website features an inmate search tool where users can find information on current inmates and recent bookings. Individuals can call the booking line at (864) 942-8600 ext. 3 for specific inquiries.

Third-party websites also offer options for searching arrest and criminal records. These sites aggregate public records and often provide limited free searches. Users can typically search by name and location to retrieve basic arrest information. However, verifying the accuracy and reliability of information obtained from third-party sites is essential, as official sources like law enforcement agencies and county offices generally provide the most up-to-date and comprehensive records.

Get Greenwood County Criminal Records

Criminal records (also known as criminal histories or rap sheets) are official documents detailing an individual's criminal activity. These records include information about arrests, charges, convictions, and sentences. They are maintained by various law enforcement agencies and courts.

One primary avenue to obtain Greenwood County criminal records is through the Greenwood County Sheriff's Office. This office maintains records of arrests and incidents within the county. Individuals can stop by the office or reach them via phone to request criminal records. The Sheriff's Office provides access to detailed records, including arrest reports and incident summaries, which can be crucial for legal proceedings or personal inquiries.

Another important resource is the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (SLED). SLED is the central repository for criminal records across South Carolina and offers a comprehensive background check service on its official website. By providing the individual in question's full name and date of birth, users can search for criminal records that include details of arrests, charges, and convictions throughout the state, including Greenwood County. This centralized database is handy for obtaining a broad overview of an individual's criminal history within South Carolina.

Court records also play a significant role in a person's criminal history. Greenwood County's judicial system maintains records related to criminal court proceedings, which include details of charges filed, court appearances, and sentencing outcomes. These records are often accessible by visiting the courthouse in person or through online databases provided by the court. Accessing court records can provide comprehensive information about the legal processes and outcomes of criminal cases.

Greenwood County Arrest Records Vs. Criminal Records

In Greenwood County, arrest records specifically document instances where individuals were taken into custody by law enforcement officers. The records detail the circumstances of the arrest, including the date, time, location, and charges filed at the time of arrest. They are maintained by the Greenwood County Sheriff's Office and other local law enforcement agencies, serving as official documentation of law enforcement actions to enforce the law.

In contrast, criminal records in Greenwood County include not only arrests but also charges filed, court proceedings, convictions, and sentencing information. Maintained by entities like the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (SLED) and Greenwood County courts, criminal records offer a comprehensive history of an individual's interactions with law enforcement and the court system, from initial arrests to final case outcomes.

How Long Do Arrests Stay on Your Record?

Arrest records remain part of a person's permanent criminal record unless expunged. Unlike some states where arrests can be removed or hidden automatically under certain conditions, South Carolina's laws typically do not provide for the automatic sealing or expungement of arrest records, even if the charges were dropped or the criminal defendant was found not guilty. As a result, unless expunged through a petition-based legal process, arrest records can persist on background checks and official records indefinitely in Greenwood County.

Expunge Greenwood County Arrest Records

To expunge an arrest record in Greenwood County, the record holder must follow a specific legal process and meet eligibility criteria outlined in the South Carolina Code of Laws § 17-22-910.

Eligible cases include those in which the individual was arrested but not convicted, such as instances where the charges were dismissed, the person was found not guilty, or the charges were not pursued (nolle prosequi). Certain first-time convictions in the magistrate or municipal court may also qualify for expungement if they are the only convictions on record for a specified period, excluding traffic or night-hunting offenses. Successful completion of Pre-Trial Intervention (PTI) programs or alcohol and traffic education programs can also make individuals eligible for expungement.

The process for expungement begins by applying to the Solicitor's Office in the circuit where the offense occurred (in this case, the Eighth Judicial Circuit, which encompasses Greenwood). The application (see sample form from the 11th Judicial Circuit) requires payment of several fees:

  • A non-refundable administrative fee of $250 to the Solicitor's Office
  • A $25 fee to the SLED for verification
  • A $35 filing fee to the court clerk's office

The Solicitor will forward the application to SLED to verify eligibility and, upon confirmation, proceed to obtain necessary signatures from the PTI Director, summary court judge, and circuit court judge.

Once signed by the circuit court judge, the expungement order will be filed with the Clerk of Court. The Solicitor's Office will then notify all relevant government agencies (and the applicant) upon completion of the expungement process, ensuring that the arrest records are sealed from public access per legal requirements.

Greenwood County Arrest Warrants

Judges or magistrates issue arrest warrants in Greenwood County. These documents are formal orders directing law enforcement officers to apprehend individuals suspected of criminal activity. They are critical legal tools issued based on probable cause, that is, sufficient evidence that a crime has been committed and that the person named in the warrant is likely responsible.

Generally, law enforcement agencies or prosecutors must present sworn statements and evidence to the court to obtain an arrest warrant. Warrants can be released in various situations, such as when there is evidence linking a person to a crime, when there is a risk of the individual fleeing to avoid arrest, or when it is necessary to secure evidence. Arrest warrants can also be released to bring a person who disobeyed a court order or agreement to the legal system.

Each Greenwood arrest warrant specifies the name of the person to be arrested, the alleged crime(s), the issuing court or magistrate, the date of issuance, and any specific instructions or conditions related to the arrest. Law enforcement officers are authorized to arrest an individual named in an arrest warrant at any time and place deemed appropriate.

Greenwood County Arrest Warrant Search

In Greenwood County, members of the public can initiate an arrest warrant search by contacting either the Magistrate Court or the Clerk of Court. The Magistrate Court offers information on outstanding warrants and ongoing cases, while the Clerk of Court's office can provide assistance with warrant searches and court documents in the Circuit Court.

Alternatively, the Warrants Division of the Greenwood County Sheriff's Office can be contacted for inquiries about active warrants.

Do Greenwood County Arrest Warrants Expire?

No. Greenwood County arrest warrants hold indefinite validity, remaining in effect until the individual is apprehended or chooses to appear in court voluntarily. This absence of an expiration date means these warrants can be executed anytime.

However, certain factors, such as a warrant subject's demise or a court recall, can render a warrant null and void.

  • Criminal Records
  • Arrests Records
  • Warrants
  • Driving Violations
  • Inmate Records
  • Felonies
  • Misdemeanors
  • Bankruptcies
  • Tax & Property Liens
  • Civil Judgements
  • Federal Dockets
  • Probate Records
  • Marriage Records
  • Divorce Records
  • Death Records
  • Property Records
  • Asset Records
  • Business Ownership
  • Professional Licenses
  • And More!